Absolute Aromas Clove Bud Oil 10ml

£4.99 GBP

This oil is water-distilled from the dried flower-buds of the Clove tree. There are three different oils obtained from the clove tree - leaf, bud and stem. Of these three,...

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This oil is water-distilled from the dried flower-buds of the Clove tree. There are three different oils obtained from the clove tree - leaf, bud and stem. Of these three, bud is the safest to use because it has the lowest Eugenol content, though it is still as high as 60-90%. Clove oil is used extensively in perfumes, cosmetics and dental preparations. Clove Bud oil is recommended for use in a burner or diffuser only, unless otherwise advised by a qualified aromatherapist.<p> To help stave off winter chills, add 1 drop of Clove Bud, 2 drops of Lavender and 2 drops of Bergamot to the water in an oil burner or diffuser and allow the aroma to fill the room.<p> Clove buds have traditionally been used to reduce the pain of toothache. A hot compress using essential oils can also be very comforting. Try adding 1 drop of Clove Bud and 1 drop of Lavender to a bowl of hand-hot water, soak a flannel in the water and wring out. Place the flannel on the affected area and leave until it loses its warmth.

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Si bien VITAMINSUK se esfuerza por garantizar la exactitud de las imágenes y la información de sus productos, es posible que algunos cambios de fabricación en el empaque y/o los ingredientes estén pendientes de actualización en nuestro sitio. Aunque es posible que los artículos se envíen ocasionalmente con embalajes alternativos, siempre se garantiza la frescura. Le recomendamos leer las etiquetas, advertencias e instrucciones de todos los productos antes de usarlos y no confiar únicamente en la información proporcionada por VITAMINSUK. Este producto no está destinado a diagnosticar, tratar, curar o prevenir ninguna enfermedad.

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