Absolute Aromas Cypress Oil 10ml

£6.99 GBP

The oil is produced from distillation of the leaves and twigs of the Cypress tree. Much of the production is from pruning the trees that are used as windbreaks in...

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The oil is produced from distillation of the leaves and twigs of the Cypress tree. Much of the production is from pruning the trees that are used as windbreaks in the Mediterranean area. <p> Due to its woody, balsamic smell, Cypress is used extensively in men's toiletries and is therefore popular as an ingredient in home-made blends. For a light, aftershave facial oil, blend 15ml of Jojoba oil with 2 drops of Cypress, 2 drops of Sandalwood and 1 drop of Bergamot. Apply sparingly. Cypress is strongly anti-septic and astringent.<p> Too enthusiastic at the gym?! Add 2 drops of Cypress, 2 drops of Rosemary and 1 drop of Lavender to a bowl of boiling water. Lay a folded flannel in the water, wring and place it on the aching area. (Always check the temperature first!) Alternatively, blend the above oils with a teaspoon of Peach Kernel oil and stir it into a warm bath.<p> Do not use Cypress during the first four months of pregnancy (and only on advice from a qualified aromatherapist thereafter) or with high blood pressure.

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Si bien VITAMINSUK se esfuerza por garantizar la exactitud de las imágenes y la información de sus productos, es posible que algunos cambios de fabricación en el empaque y/o los ingredientes estén pendientes de actualización en nuestro sitio. Aunque es posible que los artículos se envíen ocasionalmente con embalajes alternativos, siempre se garantiza la frescura. Le recomendamos leer las etiquetas, advertencias e instrucciones de todos los productos antes de usarlos y no confiar únicamente en la información proporcionada por VITAMINSUK. Este producto no está destinado a diagnosticar, tratar, curar o prevenir ninguna enfermedad.

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