- Apr 16, 2021
- in News
Amazing Benefits of Liquid Chlorophyll !
What is Chlorophyll?
Chlorophyll is a liposoluble pigment that gives plants and algae their green color. Chlorophyll, when in its natural liposoluble state, does not dilute in water and is minimally absorbed. This is why, for example, you can eat plenty of spinach without actually getting any of the benefits of chlorophyll.
Sodium copper chlorophyllin is a derivative of chlorophyll. It is water soluble and bioavailable; assimilation is therefore highly improved. The antioxidant capacity of chlorophyllin is about 2000 times superior to blueberries and 20 times superior to resveratrol, an organic molecule known as one of the best tools to fight against oxidative damages induced by chemical carcinogens and radiation.
Proven Benefits
1. Chlorophyll promotes the production of red blood cells.
2. It absorbs toxins – precursors to illness – that are in the intestines and the body. Chlorophyll is an ally of the Detox and Total Detox cures.
3. Chlorophyll acts as an internal deodorant: bad breath, sweat, stools, urine, food odors (such as garlic) and menstrual odors. The deodorant effect is also shown for people that have a colostomy.
4. Chlorophyll binds to aminos in the intestines. Cadaverine and putrescine, for example, are present in bad breath, urine, sperm and during bacterial vaginitis.
5. It isn’t a laxative, however, chlorophyll has a normalizing effect on the intestinal transit.
6. It has antioxidant capacities. These capacities are 1000 times superior to xanthins: caffeine, theophylline, theobromine, (tea, coffee, maté, chocolate). They are 20 times superior to those of resveratrol (blackberries, grapes, wine).
7. Chlorophyll has anti-carcinogenic properties. Many studies show the efficiency of chlorophyllin (CHL) in reducing the risks of cancer. (1)
8. Chlorophyll increases the production of white blood cells, fighting against conditions such leukopenia.
9. The components are anti-inflammatory, it accelerates healing. The effects are anti-inflammatory and healing when applied directly to the wound.
10. It is a regulator of intestinal fermentation. Mycosis (Candida Albicans) is caused by antibiotics, hormones, corticosteroids, immunosuppressants and a high sugar diet. These infections are very resistant and difficult to treat. Chlorophyll reduces the production of gas and toxins that occur during digestion and contributes to protecting the liver, the second line of defense after the intestinal barrier. It is one of the best ways to continually detox the body.
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